Week seven - Respose to content
Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia is a good information source, it is not a GREAT source, because you can not trust that everything you find is 100% accurate. But it is a GOOD source, because you can find something about almost everything there.
Wikipedia came to life in the early 2000d and has gone through many changes. It is used all over the world and is translated into 282 languages. They are trying to cover as many as possible to include everyone. (link 3)When it started it was not seen as a very reliable source because anyone could write anything in there. The web site was a victim for vandalism many times. In 2005 they took a lot of hits for some articles that was written by an anonymous person, about the murders of Robert Kennedy and John F. Kennedy, saying that a certain person had done it, and other similar stories.(link 2) Wikipedia wants to have articles based on facts and not opinions, so today they have stricter rules. Anyone who wants to can share information on Wikipedia, but they have to sign in as a member and then let it go through the editors who who will give you a green or red light. Most of the time they decline the editing, because it is no point of fixing what is already good, other times the information is wrong. This new system they have with the security has built up Wikipedias reputation and is making them stronger year after year.
Reference list:
Found Friday 30 Sept.
General information in this text is from here.
Found Friday 30 Sept.
Found Friday 30 Sept.
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