Saturday 1 October 2011

Week nine - The finished product

It all works out in the end

I got an answer from my friend back home and he said we could use their song and wished us good luck with the project! Yeeeeey!!!
The answer from the guitarist in "The Dirtydogs".
It's in Norwegian, but it basically says that we can use the song. 
After some ups and downs the short film is finally done. I call it  "Paper plane". The group liked the song i chose and we're all very happy we found a solution to the "problem" that easily.
I have learned how to use iMovie and can now edit what ever i want. I'm even using my new skills in other subjects too. Our group worked well together and communicated well throughout the whole process. We have a great finished product that we are pleased with and hope others will like it too. 

In this movie: Shae Killey, Andrè Lindegaard, Astrid and Steve Turley.
Behind the camera: Andrè Lindegaard and Astrid
Music by The Dirtydogs
Edited by Annette Navarro

I had a really great time making this and would definitely do it again!

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