Tuesday 26 July 2011

Week one - Tutorial task


My name is Annette. I`m from Oslo, Norway and moved here to the Gold Coast four weeks ago. It is my first time in Australia, so I`m very excited!! I`m here to get my Bachelor of Communication. I`m not quite sure what I want to do, but I`m thinking of something in Public Relations.
I chose to come to Australia because I wanted to experience something new and different. Norway is a beautiful country, but it is also very cold and small. Australia is the complete opposite! I love the warm weather, the beach, the people, nature and animals here. I would have to say that I`m very happy with my choice and that I really don`t mind living here for the next three years!
One of the best things I have ever done is going to Namibia, Africa, and work as a volunteer with animals. I love animals, and it has always been a dream of mine to do something like that. I went for two months and created memories I will never forget. Not only did I learn a lot about animals, but also about working in teams, being independent, patience, how to deal with difficult tasks and conquering your fears. These are all things I know I can bring with me in everything I do, where ever I go.
So I`m hoping my experience here in Australia and at Griffith University will be just as good!

This class, New Communication Technology is pretty new to me, I`m not the best with computers and other technological things, but I really want to learn. So I know I will get a lot out of this class. I never knew how to make a blog before, and look, here I am!
In Africa we learned how to communicate with each other and the animals with out technology.

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